Please answer the quiz to receive 1.0 Category A CE credits! Male Fertility Health CE Credits 1) Which of the following statements is false?* A) Sperm production proceeds more efficiently when the testes are kept at 2 to 4 degrees C below core body temperature. B) Sperm and testosterone are produced in the testes. C) One production cycle of sperm takes approximately 90 days. D) The seminal vesicle contributes 60% of the semen volume; it contains large amounts of fructose used to generate ATP for the sperm. 2) True or False? Obesity can contribute to male infertility by increasing body temperature and inflammation which can compromise spermatogenesis leading to poor sperm quality.* A) True B) False 3) Which of the following has not been linked to male infertility?* A) Stress B)Alcohol C) Western Diet D) Bisphenol A All the above have been linked to male infertility. Which of the following would not be a good choice to support low sperm count and low motility?* A) Ashwagandha B) N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) C) Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinol) D) Maca E) All the above could be indicated. Name* First Last Email* Please type your email address above (registered with to receive the CE Credit Certificate.CAPTCHAThe lectures/information in this course was relevant and usefulstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeI found the learning platform easy to use...strongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeWhat future topics would you like to see?Please give us a Star Rating!1 star2 stars3 stars Eligibility: 3 out of 4 answers should be correct.