Please answer the quiz to receive 1.0 (Category A) CE credits! Fertility Overview Which of the following is correct when it comes to the Follicular phase of the menstrual cycle:* A) It precedes the Luteal phase. B) It varies but is often 10-14 days in length. C) Estrogen is expected to reach it's peak during this phase D) All the above. The following blood serum tests may be helpful in a clinical fertility work-up:* A) FSH and LH. B) Estradiol and Prolactin C) Testosterone and DHEA-S D) All the above. Which of the following statements is correct?* A) Sperm capacitation ensures that several sperm are able to penetrate the zona pellucida of an ovum. B) A dip in basal body temperature may be detected during the implantation of a fertilized ovum. C) Female factors alone are thought to account for more than 80% of infertility cases. D) Cervical mucus is stringy and has a distensible nature during menstruation. Name* First Last Email* Please type your email address above (registered with to receive the CE Credit Certificate.CAPTCHAThe lectures/information in this course was relevant and usefulstrongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeI found the learning platform easy to use...strongly agreeagreeneutraldisagreestrongly disagreeWhat future topics would you like to see? Please give us a Star Rating!1 star2 stars3 stars Eligibility: 2 out of 3 answers should be correct.